

TABLOID RUMAH, “Ruang Berkarya di Rumah Sendiri” KOMPAS,  “Aplikasi Kayu Pada Interior Rumah Tinggal” IDEA MAGAZINE, “Dialog Antar Ruang” KOMPAS, “Tren industrial dan aplikasinya pada rumah tinggal” D’Sign NET TV, “Tren Industrial Design pada Café dan Restoran” ARCHDAILY “Plumeria House – Student Center / LUWIST” published on 7th Jan, 2019  ARCHDAILY “ Gemala House –

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Awards + Exhibition

REGENCY INTERIOR DESIGN CONTEST 2009, Finalist PECHA KUCHA NIGHT BANDUNG 2015, Speaker of Bandung SAYEMBARA DESAIN RUMAH TINGGAL CONWOOD 2015, Finalist ARSIP ARSITEK 01 – Bandung, Exhibitor SELA/SELA EXHIBITION, BLUPRIN, 2019 – Jakarta, Exhibitor BANDUNG DESIGN BIENNALE 2021 – Bandung, Exhibitor YYAF Yogyakarta Young Architects Forum 2022 Architex Archify Bandung 2023 Archdaily “Building of The

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